Стивен Лаберж

практика осознанных сновидений

in Lucid Dreaming», op. cit.

15. Там же, 327.

16. Tholey, op. cit., 79-90.

17. Там же, 87.

18. Там же, 88.

19. A. Worsley, «Personal Experiences in Lucid Dreaming», op. cit.

7. Приключения и открытия

1.11. Ellis, цитируется по книге: W. С. Dement, Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep (San Francisco: Freeman & Co., 1972), 102.

2. R. Ornstein and D. Sobel, Healthy Pleasures (Reading, Mass.,:

Addison- Wcsley, 1989).

3. К. Kelzer, The Sun and the Shadow: My Experiment with Lucid Dreaming (Virginia Beach, Va.: AR.E. Press, 1987), 140-141.

4. P. Garfield, Pathway to Ecstasy (New York; Holt, Rinehart & Winstou, 1979), 45.


5. F. Ungar, ed., Goethe's World View (New York; Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1983), 94.

6.). Campbell, ТЪе llero With a Thousand Faces (Princeton, N.).:

Princeton University Press, 1973).

7. Там же, 30.

8. Репетиция жизни

1. С. Л. Garfield and II. Z. Bennctt, Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World's Greatest Athletes (Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1984).

2. R. S. Vcaley, «Imagery Training for Performance Enhancement», in Applied Sport Psychology, ed. ]. М. Williams (Palo Alto, Calif.:

Mayfield Publishing, 1986), 209-234.

3. С. Corbin, «The Effects of Mental Practice on the Development of a Unique Motor Skill», NCPEAM Proceedings (1966);). В. Oxendinc, «Effect of Mental and Physical Practice on the Learning of Three Motor Skills», Research Quarterly 40 (1969): 755-763; A Richardson, «Mental Practice; A Review and Discussion», part I, Research Quarterly 38 (1967): 95-107; К. В. Start, «The Relationship Between Intelligence and the Effect of Mental Practice on the Performance of a Mental Skill», Research Quarterly 31 (I960): 644-649; К. В. Start, «The Intluence ofSubjectively Assessed Games Ability on Gain in Motor Performance after Mental Practice», Journal of Genetic Psychology 67 (1962):


4. Vealcy.op. cit, 211-212.

5. R. М. Suinn, «Behavioral Rehearsal Training for Ski Racers», Behavior Therapy 3 (1980): 519.

6. М. Jouvct, «Neurophysiologyofthc States of Sleep», Physiological Reviews 47(1967): 117-177.

7. Vcaley, op. cit.

8. P. Tholey, «Applications of Lucid Dreaming in Sports)». Неопубликованная работа.

9. Там же.

10. Там же.

11. Там же.

12. A Bandura, Social Foundations of Thought and Action (New York: Prentice IIall, 1986), 19.

13. Там же, 19.


14.1. Shah, Caravan of Dreams (London: Octagon, 1966), 11.

9. Решение творческих зидач

1. R. Harmau and II. Rhcingold, Higher Creativity (Los Angeles: J. P. Tarchcr, 1984).

2. С. Rogers, On Becoming a Person (Boston: Houghton Muffliu, 1961), 350.

3. 0. Loewi, «An Autobiographical Scetch», Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 4 (I960): 17.

4. E. Green, A. Green and D. Wallers, «Biofeedback for Mind-Body Self-Regulation: Healing and Creativity», in Fields Within Fields... Within Fields (New York: Stulman, 1972), 144.

5. С. Rogers, op. cit.

6. F. Bogzaran, «Dream Marbling», Ink &. Gall: Marbling Journal 2 (1988):22.

7. R. L. Stevenson, «A Chapter on Dreams», in Across the Plains (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901), 247.

10. Избавление от ночных кошмаров

1. E. Hartmann, The Nightmare (New York: Basic Boob, 1984).

2. S. LaBerge, L. Levitan, and W. C. Dement, «Lucid Dreaming:

Physiological Correlates of Consciousness during REM Sleep», Journal of Mind and Behavior 7 (1986): 251-258.

3. S. Freud, «Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis», in Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works ofSigmund Freud, vol. 15 (London: Hogarth Press, 1916-17), 222.

4. Hartmaun, op. cit.; A Kales ct al., «Nightmares; Clinical Characteristics of Personality Patterns», American Journal of Psychiatry 137 (1980): 1197-1201.

5. J. A Gray, «Anxiety», Human Nature 1 (1978); 38-45.

6. С. Green, Lucid L>reams (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1968); S.

LaBerge, Lucid Dreaming (Los Angeles; J. P. Tarcher, 1985). 7.1. Shah, The Way of the Sufi (London: Octagon Press, 1968), 79.

8. H. Sainl-Denys, Dreams and How to Guide Them (London:

Duckworth, 1982), 8-59.

9. P. Tholey, «A Model of Lucidity Training as a Means of Self-Healing and Psychological Growth», in Conscious Mind,


Sleeping Brain, eds. J. Gackeubach and S. LaBerge (New York:

Plenum, 1988), 263-287.

10. G. S. Sparrow, Lucid Dreaming: Dawning of the Clear Light (Virginia Beach: