юрий котенко

Представление евреев о демонах, злых духах и проче

a Jew (throughout the Ages of Jewish History).- N.Y., 1976.

Shachar 1975 - Shachar 1. The Jewish Year.- Leiden, 1975. Trachtenberg 1961 - Trachtenberg J. Jewish Magic and Superstitions, A Study in Folk Religion.- Philadelphia, 1961.

Treasury 1972 - A Treasury of Jewish Folklore. Stories, Traditions, Legends, Humor, Wisdom and Folksongs of Jewish People. Ed. by Ausubel N.- L., 1972.

Unterman 1991 - Unterman A. Dictionnary of Jewish Lore and Legend.- L., 1991.

© Текст подготовила Halina Bednenko